Factorem is building Southeast Asia’s first on-demand manufacturing platform for hardware companies to get custom parts seamlessly and quickly from the best factories with spare capacities.
We know hardware is hard. But it shouldn’t have to be.
Come and join us in revolutionizing a traditional manufacturing space with technology 🚀
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<aside> 💡 See our open positions below. We’ll love to get to know you - get in touch via careers@factorem.co!
Factorem means ‘Maker’ in Latin. Our mission is to provide a seamless access to fast, and reliable custom manufacturing in Southeast Asia.
Getting custom quality parts manufactured is a painful process - sourcing custom parts, dealing with opaque pricing, the multiples back-and-forths with suppliers (sometimes communication barriers if suppliers are not in the same country), waiting for weeks and months before final delivery, only to realize the part was not made to spec.
We experienced it first-hand, and we are passionate to change all that and help hardware makers succeed.
On the other hand, there are thousands of SME machine shops in Southeast Asia with underutilized capacities, still running on traditional business practices and have been severely impacted by the pandemic (loss of sales).
Today, we’re building Southeast Asia’s first and largest on-demand manufacturing platform for companies that want custom parts manufactured with qualified factories that have available capacities. If anyone in the world could make anytime and get on-time delivery of quality custom parts, wouldn’t that be awesome?